Investment and Inclusion as a Norm of Life: Attitudes of Russian HR-managers TO Inclusive Employment

  • Viktoria Antonova National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Daria Prisyahniuk National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Tatiana Ryabichenko  National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: inclusive employment, HR-managers, business companies, people with disabilities, inclusion


Based on an analysis of thirty semi-structured interviews with HR managers of Russian and transnational businesses in different areas of the economy, we identify the main types of inclusive employment strategies and unpack how HR managers’ see the barriers and benefits of hiring people with disabilities (PWD) from the perspective of their own organisational context was analysed. The focus on HR managers is justified by the fact that their competencies and functions are very close to the implementation of existing laws and regulations in terms of improving the situation of PWD in the labour market, and that these professionals can become agents of new inclusive practices. The organisational context introduces aspects related to organisational values and corporate culture, the company’s image and its role in increasing tolerance for PWD in society, as well as the company’s ability to go beyond the legislation on quotas and investing in PWD instead of waiting for additional subsidies from the state. Informants discussed hiring PWD both in terms of the values of inclusion and diversity, and of economic benefits. The seemingly contradictory economic positions – hiring PWD to fill a vacancy and investing in internship positions – are interpreted by informants as equally important long-term contributions to business and to developing an inclusive culture in a society. According to informants’ interpretations, the lack of such a culture in society is one of the most persistent barriers to inclusive employment, along with poor infrastructure, insufficient motivation and qualification of PWD, as well as confusing recommendations for certification of jobs for PWD. At the same time, HR managers who see certain benefits in hiring of PWD begin to formulate internal rules, create interactions aimed at promoting inclusive values. Making ‘inclusion a norm of life’ at least in a single company begins to become their personal priority.


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Author Biographies

Viktoria Antonova, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), PhD, Professor, School of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE University, Moscow, Russian Federation. Email:

Daria Prisyahniuk, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Senior Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, HSE University, Moscow, Russian Federation. Email:

Tatiana Ryabichenko , National Research University Higher School of Economics

Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Senior Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, HSE University, Moscow, Russian Federation. Email:

How to Cite
AntonovaV., PrisyahniukD., & Ryabichenko T. (2021). Investment and Inclusion as a Norm of Life: Attitudes of Russian HR-managers TO Inclusive Employment. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 19(3), 373-388.