A New Stage in the Development of the Russian System for the Placement of Orphans: Government Decree No. 481 in Expert Opinions

  • Елена Альшанская Благотворительный фонд «Волонтеры в помощь детям-сиротам»
  • Эльвира Гарифулина Elena & Gennady Timchenko Foundation
  • Александр Гезалов Общественный деятель
  • Галина Рахманова Victoria Children Foundation
Keywords: Government Decree 481, non-governmental organisations, non-profit organisations, institutional care, expert opinions



Elena Alshanskaya, Elvira Garifulina, Aleksander Gezalov, Galina Rakhmanova


Adoption of the Government Decree No. 481 marked a new stage in the evolution of the system of substitute care for children placed out of parental care in Russia. This normative act came into force in September 2015, and the first experience of its application essentially only appeared recently. Given this context it is relevant and useful to discuss issues such as the content of major changes introduced in the Decree No. 481 and the barriers to their implementation. Another important issue is the possible role of non-profit organisations that have recently become one of the key players in this field, as well as the timeliness involved in such serious decisions and the reasons why they were adopted. This paper presents the answers of the four Russian experts – Elvira Garifulina, Galina Rakhmanova, Elena Alshanskaya and Aleksander Gezalov – to these questions. Among the key changes introduced by the Decree No. 481, experts highlight the reorientation of institutions towards an open format of work, the limitation of the length of stay of children in institutions, the introduction of an individual plan for the placement of children, as well as some other changes. Speaking of barriers, the experts refer to the shortage of personnel and financial resources in the system of children’s placement, the lack of regulations for new processes together with a system for monitoring the changes that are taking place. The role of non-profit organisations in the current situation is seen in disseminate their accumulated knowledge and experience in working with different types of families, children and future replacement parents. Finally, the experts consider the adoption of the Decree as a logical step in the evolution of the Russian system of child care or as a reaction to the worsening of the situation of children in connection with the restrictions introduced in 2012 on foreign adoptions. The responses, though they do not describe the entire field of opinions on the topic, characterise the scale and severity of the changes that have occurred, and, at the same time, identify possible problem points, discussion issues, and tasks that require monitoring.


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How to Cite
АльшанскаяЕ., ГарифулинаЭ., ГезаловА., & РахмановаГ. (2017). A New Stage in the Development of the Russian System for the Placement of Orphans: Government Decree No. 481 in Expert Opinions. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15(3), 453-464. https://doi.org/10.17323/727-0634-2017-15-3-453-464