Interdisciplinary approach to the issue of social exclusion
social problems, exclusion
The focus of this article is the interdisciplinary approach to social issues which has implemented through comparative analysis and multilevel framework of social knowledge. Contributions and limits of different social sciences (sociology, psychology, social policy, economics of public sector) have been analysed within process of social knowledge building. Such concepts as discrimination, exclusion, intolerance, segregation are considered through different sciences. The continuum of ideologies has been showed as option for synthesis of different social sciences. The influence of ideologies upon social work defines as keynote of intervention strategies differences. The interrelationships between positive social practices (antidiscrimination practice, inclusion, social integration, tolerance) are adjusted by author on the one side through common origin (poverty, inequality, limits of social mobility), and on the other side within interdisciplinary approach to working out programme of social intervention.Downloads
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How to Cite
Шмидт В. Р. (2010). Interdisciplinary approach to the issue of social exclusion. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 2(4), 547-566. Retrieved from