Liberalization: the only way of de-institutionalization or one of the possible strategies

  • Виктория Рудольфовна Шмидт PhD, Institute of Inclusive Education Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Rep.
Keywords: well-being, liberalization


The article discusses the contradictory impact of liberalization on the process of integration of people living in institutions into the society, i.e. de-institutionalization reform. The author argues that the main criterion of de-institutionalization eff iciency is correlation between the macro- and meso- levels of social policy. The multilevel nature of social policy is analyzed within the concept of mix-welfare state. The case of family-centered services’ development shows possible ways of organizational design of de-institutionalization.


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How to Cite
Шмидт В. Р. (2010). Liberalization: the only way of de-institutionalization or one of the possible strategies. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 3(4), 451-464. Retrieved from