In the field with youth: the role of sociologist-researcher in the process of putting forward assertions-demands

  • Эльвира Маратовна Шарифуллина
Keywords: youth, constructionist approach


This article represents a role of sociologist in the process of putting forward assertions-demands by the example of research of narcotization in the youth surroundings from the positions of contextual constructivism. The focal point is the problem of public silence of representatives of problematic group. The article contains an analyses of expirience of interaction with informants in the field, the position of soicologist in the field of scientific production and process of putting forward assertions-demands.


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How to Cite
ШарифуллинаЭ. М. (2010). In the field with youth: the role of sociologist-researcher in the process of putting forward assertions-demands. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 4(2), 215-228. Retrieved from