Research of standardization of social service: problems, perspective of realization at a regional level

  • Юлия Александровна Калинина
  • Людмила Герасимовна Гуслякова
Keywords: social service


In the article features of standardization development of service sphere, standards of different levels, among which are national standards and organizations ones, are examined. Necessity of definition of the status and role of regional standards of social service is proved. Research results devoted to the development of key parameters for the social service quality estimation in Altai territory are described.


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How to Cite
КалининаЮ. А., & ГусляковаЛ. Г. (2010). Research of standardization of social service: problems, perspective of realization at a regional level. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 4(3), 349-366. Retrieved from