Likbez as a Social Project (on the sources of Samara guberniya, 1920–1930)

  • Ярославна Игоревна Петрова


The social aspects of adult illiteracy campaign in 1920–1930 educational practice are in the focus of the article. Adult illiteracy is analysed as the serious social problem of Russian society from the end of the XIX century. When the Decret about campaign against illiteracy was signed the organization of adult teaching literacy became one of the general lines in the policies of the Soviet government. Main attention is paid to the problems of the process: economical, social, psychological, organisational and administrative ones. Consequences of civil war such as famine, ruin, needs for financial and material means in the country turned to be economical problems. Age conservatism and people's unwillingness to study in those conditions were psycho-social and cultural problems. Organizational and administrative problems included socially heterogeneous illiterate population, shortage of teaching staff and development of teaching aids adapted to adult in shortest period.


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How to Cite
ПетроваЯ. И. (2010). Likbez as a Social Project (on the sources of Samara guberniya, 1920–1930) . The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 5(4), 519-540. Retrieved from