Lishentsy of 1920th: the Soviet Estate of Outcasts

  • Наталия Анатольевна Федорова


The article is devoted to one of the aspects of social politic bolshevik’s regime, which had a direction to make the society more obedient. In order to keep their authority all people had been divided into «their» and «strange». This rule was fixed de law. Since the first soviet Constitution 1918 year till the middle of 30th was a special group of people which hadn’t suffrages – «lishentsy». Author examines social, economic and demographic characteristics of these persons, circumstances of exclusion and exempt from this group as well as juridical, social, economic consequences of being «lishentsy» in Soviet system.


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How to Cite
ФедороваН. А. (2010). Lishentsy of 1920th: the Soviet Estate of Outcasts . The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 5(4), 483-496. Retrieved from