Reduction of poverty among the industrial workers

  • Будимир Гвидонович Тукумцев
Keywords: social policy, poverty, penury


The article considers an issue of reduction of poverty in the Russian state during last years. The author discusses an opportunity of decrease of poverty level among the people working in the industry – those who works, but cannot afford normal quality of life for themselves and their families on the salary received. In midnineties these people were named «the new poor». Nowadays, after more than 10 years past, this class of peo ple is not disappeared. It still composes an essential group among the workers of manu facture and the population as a whole.


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How to Cite
ТукумцевБ. Г. (2010). Reduction of poverty among the industrial workers . The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 6(3), 319-338. Retrieved from