Pubic art as a form of dialogue between artist and citizens (the case of “Critical Mass” public art project)

  • Мария Евгеньевна Вейц
Keywords: public art, audience, regeneration of urban spaces, participatroy art practices, public urban spaces


The concept of using public art to regenerate dilapidated urban areas is a relatively new phenomenon in Russia, with only limited projects being attempted in larger towns such as St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk and Moscow. However, this is increasingly being seen as a viable way to reshape urban landscapes for the benefit of inhabitants and promote a sense of common community space in urban areas. The aim of this article is firstly to provide an overview of how to understand public art as a movement within modern art as a whole and secondly to discuss how art in public spaces is promoting increased participation from citizens on the fate of their neighbourhoods. The second part of the article focuses on the concrete example of one such public art project known as ‘Critical Mass’. Attitudes to this project are analysed through interviews with ordinary citizens, thus showing how the public can become involved in the realisation of art projects. The results of this analysis show that various groups of citizens can take part in the transformation of their urban spaces with the help of modern art. Also demonstrated are the chains of interaction between artists and citizens in this process. The reaction of the public is described, showing the future prospects of using modern art in modern towns within the context of the required agreement between municipal authorities, cultural organisations, art groups and the scientific community. For many ‘problem neighbourhoods’ in larger Russian cities such as St. Petersburg, public art has become a means of urban rehabilitation. What emerges is the possibility of public art acting as a kind of ‘social glue’; providing new pride in one’s community and a basis for citizens to work together for the regeneration of their neighbourhood. While this is no substitute for more concrete socio-economic measures of urban regeneration it can be seen as something that provides a positive momentum for the better. 


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How to Cite
ВейцМ. Е. (2012). Pubic art as a form of dialogue between artist and citizens (the case of “Critical Mass” public art project). The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 10(1), 95-108. Retrieved from
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