Social identity production in Soviet and post-Soviet society: class aspects (Review of the book: Fitzpatrick, Sh. Tear off the masks! Identity and imposture in twentieth-century Russia. M.: ROSSPEN, 2011. 375 p. ISBN 978-5-8243-1413-7)

  • Лариса Шпаковская Candidate in Sociology, Higher School of Economics at St. Petersburg
Keywords: social identity


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How to Cite
ШпаковскаяЛ. (2012). Social identity production in Soviet and post-Soviet society: class aspects (Review of the book: Fitzpatrick, Sh. Tear off the masks! Identity and imposture in twentieth-century Russia. M.: ROSSPEN, 2011. 375 p. ISBN 978-5-8243-1413-7) . The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 10(2), 276-283. Retrieved from