The Concepts of Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Global Society: a Journey within Social Institutions, Actors and Practices

  • Виктория Константиновна Антонова Doctor of Sociology, PhD, Professor, Department of General Sociology, National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow
Keywords: integration, exclusion, migrants, inclusion


The question of how absorb increasing numbers of migrants and how to ensure their inclusion into the host society remains one of the most serious challenges in modern social policy around the world. The global diversification of the population brings the ‘progressive’s dilemma’ on how to ensure social welfare is fairy distributed in a multicultural society, especially with regards to new arrivals and those born in the country. In Russia, such questions have only recently started to be raised, against the backdrop of increasing social tension between migrants and the host communities. This article makes an attempt to look at the contemporary concepts of social exclusion and social inclusion with regards not only to structural inequality but also to cultural, ideological and behavioural aspects that play key role in establishing the marginal position of some groups, communities and individuals. The primary role of an individual in building up the necessary "bridging of social capital" is presented in order to develop trust, within the framework of the action paradigm, and therefore promote social integration in society. The analysis is built firstly on a detailed review of European Union efforts towards an integrated social inclusion policy; a range of initiatives and practices aimed at educating society in terms of social inclusion and devoted to attracting attention to an increasing number of the reasons for social exclusion. It then moves on to an analysis of the current situation in Russia and how state officials, the police and the migration department is effecting the situation. An emphasis is placed on the processes of social inclusion of the migrants as well as on the general issues of social inclusion in a multicultural society in Russia today. What is revealed is a renewed need for cultural integration education programmes, as well as a need for more resources for social institutions so that they can be more innovative and responsive in rapidly changing conditions. 


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How to Cite
АнтоноваВ. К. (2013). The Concepts of Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Global Society: a Journey within Social Institutions, Actors and Practices. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 11(2), 151-170. Retrieved from