Identity Facing the Death: the Role of Social Institutions (Review of the book: The Matter of Death: Space, Place and Materiality / ed. by Jenny Hockey, Carol Komaromy and Kate Woodthorpe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 268 p. ISBN-13: 978–0230224162)

  • Екатерина Владимировна Кожевина Senior Specialist at Institute of Public Opinion Foundation, Graduate Student at Higher School of Economics, Мoscow


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How to Cite
КожевинаЕ. В. (2013). Identity Facing the Death: the Role of Social Institutions (Review of the book: The Matter of Death: Space, Place and Materiality / ed. by Jenny Hockey, Carol Komaromy and Kate Woodthorpe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 268 p. ISBN-13: 978–0230224162). The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 11(3), 422-427. Retrieved from