Strategies of a Solidarity City in Russian Small Towns (On the Example of the Altai Territory)

  • Evgeniy Popov Altai State University
Keywords: small town, solidarity, solidarity city, civic activism, development strategies


This article focuses on the application of the concept of 'solidarity city' in relation to small towns of Russia on the example of the Altai Territory. This approach is justified from a theoretical and an empirical point of view and is based on a mass survey of residents of small towns (N=1220), as well as interviews with the activists (N=28) who do a lot for the integration of local communities. The necessity of using this concept is dictated by the fact that, contrary to the current views present in modern academia that characterize a small town as an alienated and disintegrated space, this article presents different outcomes. In particular, it is shown that the type of solidarity city reflects the close interaction of residents in solving urgent problems of urban environment development. At the same time, systemic strategies of the solidarity city are implemented, indicating not only the integration of the residents of small towns, but also active actions involving different generations, labor dynasties, and people of all ages and social status. It is suggested that it is the status of solidarity city that allows the residents to overcome alienation and work together for its benefit despite the fact that a small town faces a number of significant socio-­economic and socio-­political problems. As a result of the conducted research, specific strategies of the solidarity city were identified, which are implemented by the activists who involve the citizens in these processes. Such strategies include the integration of city residents (for example, the strategy of a common cause), intergenerational interaction (the strategy of mutual assistance and support), as well as the strategy for the interaction of residents of small towns with the authorities and public associations. Thus, the article offers an interpretation of the concept of 'solidarity city' in relation to the development of local society in Russian small towns, and demonstrates the possibilities of its implementation in specific actions of united citizens. Ultimately, the solidarity city appears as the most productive type of social relations in a certain urban environment.


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Author Biography

Evgeniy Popov, Altai State University

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Department of Sociology and Conflictology, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation. Email:

How to Cite
PopovE. (2023). Strategies of a Solidarity City in Russian Small Towns (On the Example of the Altai Territory). The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 21(2), 329-346.