The Housing First Model in Western Social Policy Aimed at Overcoming Homelessness

  • Anna Kazakova Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovski
Keywords: overcoming homelessness, linear and nonlinear approach, Housing first, implementation conditions, efficiency


This review examines research on the innovative social policy model Housing first, which has proved its effectiveness in the last two decades as a means of combating homelessness. Initially applied to people with mental disabilities and then extrapolated to the homeless, the concept has been successful in economically developed countries, has gradually become the dominant trend in the countries of the former socialist camp, as well as changing in the direction from patronage of the most vulnerable people towards the recognition of the universal and unconditional principle of the human right to housing. It is often accompanied by a radical leftist ideology. Most of the studies were conducted in the UK, USA, France, and Ireland. The most engaged authors are characterized by youth and active involvement in practical work to protect the rights of the homeless, discriminated ethnic minorities, as well as women and children. Results of the review indicate that the conscious public demand for the introduction of Housing first is increasing in conditions of rigidly segregated, but non-institutional residence of a large number of discriminated urban minorities, combined with increased repressive measures against them as a result of gentrification processes at the center. The success of the model is facilitated by careful statistical accounting of the types and forms of settlement of residents, including homelessness, as well as by the field model of
social services for all categories of people in need on the ground in their place of residence and according to their typical daytime activity. The ethical advantages of the concept include a rejection of all forms of violence and coercion in the course of rehabilitation activities, and, in ideological terms, there is the benefit of reducing housing inequality and improving social justice, as well as bringing economic benefits by reducing the cost of social security


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Author Biography

Anna Kazakova, Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovski

PhD (Kandidat Nauk) in Sociology, Associate Professor, Philosophy and Cultural Studies Department, Institute of Social Relations, Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovski, Kaluga, Russian Federation. Email:

How to Cite
KazakovaA. (2020). The Housing First Model in Western Social Policy Aimed at Overcoming Homelessness. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 18(2), 357-367.