The Sociability of West African Migrants among Russians in Moscow

  • Isaac Olumayowa Oni  National Research University 'Higher School of Economics'
Keywords: West African migrants, discrimination, interaction, language, sociability, Moscow


This paper focuses on the social relationships of West African migrants living in Moscow. It investigates the factors to which West African migrants are exposed that promote or limit their social involvement in the new environment in which they find themselves. Although the African community in Russia is rather small, it is gradually increasing. It is, therefore, the aim of this research to examine the effect of the host environment on their perception of the society and how they try to blend in, or not, with social activities there. The article is based on qualitative methods, namely eleven interviews and participant observation of West African migrants. This research revolves around themes such as their communicative language skills, formation of networks among the host community, and sociability. Findings from the research show that West African migrants in Moscow have been attached to their ethnic landscapes, which has limited their sociability in their host society. Since sociability is not mono-directional, the state needs to do more to create both public awareness of the need to recognize and accept the presence of other races and also to create regulations that will guide the smooth integration of migrants in the country.


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Author Biography

Isaac Olumayowa Oni , National Research University 'Higher School of Economics'

Doctoral Fellow, Doctoral School of Sociology and Junior Researcher, International Laboratory of Social Integration Studies, National Research University 'Higher School of Economics', Moscow, Russia. Email:

How to Cite
Oni I. O. (2020). The Sociability of West African Migrants among Russians in Moscow. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 18(1), 143-156.