Inclusion and Selection in Catholic Schools in Poland

  • Tatiana Vlasova Udmurt State University
Keywords: sociology of education, inclusion, catholic schools, educational barriers


Post-socialistic transformations of the education systems in Central and Eastern Europe were different. While in Russia the major part of secondary education institutions remains public, in Poland a segment of private schools was formed at the same time. Private educational institutions are focused on individual learning strategies. This pattern is most typical for Catholic schools. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the inclusive attitudes of Catholic schools in Poland. The qualitative sociological study is based on a range of semi-structured interviews with principals and teachers. The data allow a description of both the selection procedures of students and the way disabled children are integrated. The article deals with two aspects related to the accessibility of educational institutions: enrollment students to school and the integration of children with learning difficulties with disability. The findings of the research demonstrate that the high education scores due to Catholic schools enter into the chart of the best educational institutions in Poland. This process is achieved by using selective tools. Parental tuition fee is available for middle class families. Another reason for students’ enrollment is academic success, which is also confirmed by final scores which depend on influence of parents and the social environment. Various students selection tools are used in large magnet schools which offer required educational programs. As well as institutional policy of catholic schools provides the supportive environment for disabled students. The ideology of Catholic schools is based on adoption of the concepts of inclusive education. It means the promotion of the ideas of solidarity and mutual assistance. The volunteer movement is developing too. Nevertheless, the main resources of schools are focused on achieving high educational results and the attitudes toward inclusiveness are less important. The success of students with difficulties in a Catholic school depends on family resources.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Vlasova, Udmurt State University

Kandidat nauk (PhD) in Philosophy, Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation. Email:

How to Cite
ВласоваТ. А. (2019). Inclusion and Selection in Catholic Schools in Poland. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 17(3), 407-422.