«Weak groups» in the labour market: gender peculiarities of motivation

  • Ирина Марксовна Козина Candidate of Sociology, Professor, Head of Department of Sociological Research Methods, Leading Research Fellow of Institute for Social Development Studies, NRU HSE, Moscow
  • Ирина Петровна Попова
Keywords: labour market


This paper is based on the data of empirical research of the particular social group behaviour in the labour market. This four group defined as «weak» due to their vulnerability: registered unemployed, employees of so called «depressive» enterprises, graduates from the institutions of higher education and official poor registered as needy people in social security offices. General methodological approaches to the research of people strategies in the labour market are described. The major groups of motives are identified. The most popular income)oriented motivation of people’s behavior in the labour market is analyzed in details.


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How to Cite
КозинаИ. М., & ПоповаИ. П. (2010). «Weak groups» in the labour market: gender peculiarities of motivation . The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 5(3), 365-386. Retrieved from https://jsps.hse.ru/article/view/3661