

Text preamble

Title page

Tables and line diagrams

Arrangement of references

List of abbreviations

Arrangement of the reference sources list


Monograph in Russian
Monograph in English
Edited collection
Journal article
Book chapter
Conference proceedings
Statistical data collections
Legislation or state documents
Overviews, reports of international organizations
Internet resources
References to websites where author details are unavailable
Newspaper articles where author details are available should appear in the references as follows
References to newspaper articles where author details are unavailable should be made in footnotes as follows



Numbers and Measurements

Style conventions





Papers must be submitted in English and should not exceed 37,000 letters with spaces all inclusive (10,000 letters with spaces for reviews). Where the paper includes Tables and Figures, this word total will be commensurately reduced, so as to allow space for them. Tables and Figures that will take up half a page of text, please count as 1700 characters. Any Tables that will take up an entire page of text count as 3400 characters.



One submission, with a full title, must be provided and this must be fully anonymised. Anonymisation includes references to authors acknowledgements, and any electronic author identification. Papers must be provided in MS Word or rich text format. The final version of the accepted paper must be provided in MS Word format.


Text preamble

The anonymised submission must include a short but informative title on the second page of the manuscript, together with an abstract of  250-300 words, indicating the paper's argument, approach and findings, along with five keywords.


Title page

There must be a non-anonymised first title page, which must include the title, the full postal, email and telephone contact details of every author. The author for correspondence must be clearly identified at the time of submission.


Tables and line diagrams

Tables and line diagrams should be provided at the end (notincorporated into the typescript); their position for eventual insertion should be keyed into the text. Tables, line diagrams and charts equal 1000-2000 characters with spaces, depeding on size.


Arrangement of references

References in JSPS format should be done in round brackets – showing the authors’ surnames, then year without punctuation marks, and   after a colon note page number, for example:

(Wedel 2001: 88)
(Biggs et al. 1989: 34)
(Hudson 1988; Morgan, Askew 1989)
(Petrov 2000; Sidorov 2012)

If you refer to more than one of the same author’s publications which were published in the same year, then add  Roman alphabet  letters after the year (a, b, c for example)

If an author’s surname is to be mentioned in the text (not in brackets as a link, but namely in the actual text), it needs to be transliterated. As such an author’s surname in original writing needs to be in brackets.

A similar procedure should be followed in titles of books and articles – if they are in the text, instead of in a reference in brackets, they should be translated, but in the original title should remain in the list of sources. At the first mention of the author in the text it is important to add his (her) name or at least an initial: 

… as it was done by Charles Murray (Murray 1994) and Samuel Huntington (Huntington 2004).

If the reference source has no author, the first words of the book title are put in brackets (the Internet resource name), the same procedure in the sequence is in operation: year followed by a colon and the number of the quoted page:

… The fourth international conference of the United Nations on Women, which took place in 1995 in Beijing, decided that 'violence against women is a manifestation of the historically unequal power relations between men and women' (United Nations 1996: 49).

At the end of article, before the Reference sources list, the List of abbreviations should be visible, where the archive name is showed in full:


List of abbreviations

IFSW – International federation of social workers


Arrangement of the reference sources list

If language sources other than English are used in the article, all such sources must be transliterated into the Latin alphabet and put after the original list of sources. Please use the website for such purposes. The translation should be in square brackets, and in italics and lower case as follows:

Yadov V.A., Zdravomyslov A.G. (1969) Otnoshenie k trudu molodykh rabochikh [Attitudes to work among young workers]. Moscow: Mysl’.

All headings in the text should be capitalized, including sub-headings. Titles of books, articles, chapters in bibliographies should also be in capitals:

Tarren-Sweeney M. (2008) The Mental Health of Children in Out-of-home Care. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 21 (4): 345-349.

In the text, on the first occasion, please refer to the author with name and surname (without initials), followed by the year of publication, e.g. ‘In the view of Emil Pain (2004)’ or 'As Pain (2004) argues...' or 'Governments have controlled the supply of resources…' (Allsop 2006: 213). For sources with two authors use: (Allsop, Betts 2011). For more than two authors use 'et al.' as in ' Bourgeault et al. (2001).' or 'Allsop (2006), Bourgeault et al. (2001).'

The full bibliographic entry should be ordered alphabetically according to the authors’ names. If you refer to more than one of the same author’s publications, edited on the same year, then add Latin letters such as a, b and so on after the year: (Hosking 2014b: 21; 2014d: 66).


References should be given in the following form:

Monograph in Russian

Mokin K.S. (2006) Gruppovye strategii integratsii etnicheskikh migratsionnykh soobshhestv [Group Strategies of Integration of Ethnic Migrant Communities]. Saratov: Nauchnaya kniga.


Monograph in English

Leonard P. (1997) Postmodern Welfare. London: Sage.

Edited collection

Romanov P., Iarskaia-Smirnova E. (eds.) (2005) Nuzhda i poryadok: istoriya sotsial'noy raboty v Rossii, ХХ v.  [Need and Order: History of Social Work in Russia, XX Century]. Saratov: Nauchnaja kniga.

Kuhlmann E., Annandale E. (eds.) (2012) The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare. Basingstok: Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal article

Iarskaia-Smirnova E.R. (2001) Professionalizatsiya social'noy raboty v Rossii [Professionalisation of Social Work in Russia]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Research], (5): 86–95.

Noordegraaf M. (2011) Remaking Professionals? How Associations and Professional Education Connect Professionalism and Organizations. Current Sociology, 59 (4): 465–488.

Book chapter

Berdysheva E. (2011) Rynok i professija v stomatologii: logika tsenoobrazovaniya v chastnykh klinikakh [Market and Profession in Stomatology: Logic of Price Setting in Private Clinics]. In: P.V. Romanov, E.R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (eds.) Antropologiya professiy, ili Postoronnim vkhod razreshen [Anthropology of Professions, or Personnel only]. Moscow: Variant, CSPGS: 188–216.

Bertilsson M. (1990) The Welfare State, the Professions and Citizens. In: R. Torstendahl, M. Burrage (eds.) The Formation of Professions Knowledge, State and Strategy. London: Sage: 114–133.


Conference proceedings

Bajzoev A. (2012) Kompleksnyy podkhod k probleme, individual'nyj podkhod k kazhdomu (k probleme deyatel'nosti inkljuzivnykh klassov v obshheobrazovatel'nykh shkolakh) [Complex Approach to the Problem, Individual Approach to Everyone (Towards an Issue of Inclusive Classes Functioning in Regular Schools)]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii 'Inkluzivnoe obrazovanie: problemy, poisk putey resheniy'. Dushanbe, 21 nojabrja 2012 g. [Proceedings of the International Conference 'Inclusive Education: Problems and Ways to Solve Them', Dushanbe 21.11.2012], Dushanbe: Irfon: 101–105.

Batagelj V., Mrvar A. (2002) Pajek — Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks. In W. Didimo, G. Liotta (eds.) Graph Drawing: 9th International Symposium, Vienna, Austria, September 23–26, 2001. Berlin: Springer: 115–143.

Statistical data collections

Rosstat (2011) Chislo religioznykh organizatsiy, zaregistrirovannykh v Rossiyskoy Federatsii na 1 yanvarya 2011 g. [The Number of Religious Organisations Registered in Russia on 1.01.2011]. Available at:–13.htm (accessed 15 October 2017).


Legislation or satate documents

Federal Law (1995) Ob osnovah social'nogo obsluzhivanija naselenija v Rossijskoj Federacii [The Foundations of Social Security for the Population of the Russian Federation] No. 195-FZ from 10.12.1995.

Overviews, reports of international organizations

OECD (2009) Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan 2009: Students with Special Needs and Those with Disabilities. Paris: OECD.

Internet resources

World Health Organization (2014) Message from WHO Director-General on International Women’s Day. Available at: (accessed 3 April 2017).


References to websites where author details are unavailable

European Convention (2001) The Laeken Declaration on the Future of the European Union. Available at: (accessed 24 June 2007).


Newspaper articles where author details are available should appear in the references as follows

Nemtsov B. (1998) Budushchee Rossii [The Future of Russia]. Nezavisimaya gazeta [Independent Newspaper], 17 March.


References to newspaper articles where author details are unavailable should be made in footnotes as follows

Financial Times (1998) The Pleasure to Welcome a Dinosaur. 18 August. 

Financial Times (1998) The Pleasure to Welcome a Dinosaur. 1668(276): 3.



The Oxford English Dictionary is our arbiter for British-English spelling

In accordance with the New Oxford Style Manual, we use the ‘z’ spelling for all words ending in ‘ize’, ‘ization’ (organize, organization). However, words such as ‘analyse’ and ‘paralyse’ should be spelt ‘yse’.

Ensure that British-English variants of words such as defence, labour, neighbour, travelled, towards, sceptic, etc. are used.



For in-text quotations, use single quotes with double quotes for a quotation within a quotation.

He remarked, ‘This attempt to justify his actions with reference to “sovereign democracy” will never be successful’.

Quotations over fifty words should be indented as extracts and separated from the main text by a space above and below. These do not require quotation marks. Please indicate any gaps in a quotation by using <…> to show this, such as in the example below:

The needs of this company cannot be met by either servant or factory girls who, in receiving a low income, proceed to squander their mental and physical resources at work and at home. Since average wages only rarely exceeded the minimum necessary for existence <…> ill health or unemployment can bring appalling deterioration in women’s living standards (Olga, Personnel Manager, Interview with author, Volgograd, June 2010).


Numbers and Measurements

In general, use words for whole numbers from one to ninety-nine (except for a series of quantities) and for any numbers followed by hundred, thousand, million, and so forth.

Please use symbols for %, $, and £. Roubles may be expressed by 'R' before the number.


Style conventions

Foreign words or short phrases that are not commonly used in English should be italicized

Do Not use italics for the following:

(i) Scholarly Latin words and abbreviations such as: ibid., idem, e.g., i.e., cf., viz., ca.
(CE 6.7.1). The only exception is the word [sic], which is always italicized and appears in brackets

(ii) Commonly used foreign words found in a standard English dictionary, such as ‘et al.’,
‘a priori’, ‘corpus’, and ‘raison d’être’

(iii) Titles of articles, chapters, short stories mentioned in your text.

Abbreviations should be given in full at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in brackets.

Please give all organisations, political parties etc, in original language at first mention.



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