What Makes Growing Up in the North Caucasus Special?

Molodikova I., Watt A. (2014) Growing up in the North Caucasus: Society, Family, Religion and Education. London: Routledge. 224 p. ISBN978–0815369158

  • Naima Nefljasheva Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Science




Author Biography

Naima Nefljasheva, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Science

PhD(kandidat nauk) in history, Senior researcher of Center for civilization and regional studies, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation

How to Cite
NefljashevaN. (2019). What Makes Growing Up in the North Caucasus Special?. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 17(1), 142-150. https://doi.org/10.17323/727-0634-2019-17-1-142-150