The Construction of Aging in Contemporary Russia: Sex and Intimacy in the Late Life Period

  • Юлия Александровна Зеликова Nord-West Institute of RANEPA, St. Petersburg
Keywords: critical gerontology, sexuality in the late life period, narrative interview


Julia Zelikova – Assistant Professor Nord-West Institute of RANEPA, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Email:

This article investigates intimacy and sexuality among people in the late life period. The contemporary discourse on the subject of aging is based on the idea that, with age, all our abilities, desires and skills fade away. Aging is considered to be a form of failure and, in this regard, success is presented as the ability to conceal the signs of aging for as long as possible. The aim of this article is, firstly, to use theoretical approaches and empirical data to show why these views towards older people are incorrect. Secondly, this paper shows the necessity of doing social research able to understand the meaning and value given to sexual relationships by older people. Thirdly, the paper reveals the discourses and practices producing stereotypes that stigmatize and marginalize people in old age. In this research, we employ a constructivist approach to aging that views aging as a process constructed by social institutions. They ascribe certain norms of behavior such as ideas of success and failure. Conformity to these social expectations and categories is central to the construction of age. Empirical data collected during eighteen narrative interviews is used to demonstrate the inaccuracy of these views on the sexual and intimate life of the elderly. What is revealed are the problems that older people face due to inadequate and largely accepted views on meaning and value of sexuality in this period of life. Constructing older age by controlling sexuality and denying the right for sexual activity is another facet of sexism. Out research demonstrates that such practices (re)produce a discourse that marginalizes older people.


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Author Biography

Юлия Александровна Зеликова, Nord-West Institute of RANEPA, St. Petersburg

Assistant Professor Nord-West Institute of RANEPA, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

How to Cite
ЗеликоваЮ. А. (2018). The Construction of Aging in Contemporary Russia: Sex and Intimacy in the Late Life Period. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 16(1), 125-140.