The Social Problems of Disability in a Context of Employment, Social Policy and Social Distance

  • Эльмира Наберушкина Belgorod State University, Belgorod
Keywords: people with disabilities, social policy, social work, employment of disabled people, science school



Elmira Kamalovna Naberushkina – ​Dr., Professor, Department of social work, Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia. Email:

Set against a backdrop of a changing social policy, this article offers a review of the employment and social inclusion of people with disabilities. The main focus is further developing the sociological interpretation of disability, which often relies on data regarding the employment levels of people with disabilities. This data emerges within a specific Russian context including social problems, the reform of social legislation and a decline in the prestige of social work as a profession. In examining the employment of people with disabilities we also utilized data from all-Russian surveys, which examined incidents when the rights of disabled people were infringed and considered their expectations in employment. The use of a qualitative approach helped to clarify the position of employers, revealing how difficult it is for disabled people to find work. This is explained in the unattractiveness of certain categories of disabled people to employers and the lack of incentives offered by the state to employ disabled people. It can be concluded that within the Russian society people’s understanding of disability has improved, as has the provision of accessible infrastructure in social services and the development of non-discriminatory social interactions. The situation of employment of disabled people is changing to a lesser extent, however, as the labor market remains; if anything there is growing resistance to the idea of employing people with disabilities. Formal channels of assistance in employment through the use of a quota system remain, but in the labour market there is an implicit exclusion of persons with disabilities disguised as legitimate refusal of employment. A sociological interpretation of the problems connected to disability, social policy and social work, supported by major national research teams, has helped to achieve the growing recognition of the rights of people with disabilities in society, thus reformatting the discourse used when talking about social work. Sadly, the situation with regards the employment of disabled people has not changed significantly and remains an acute issue for social policy.


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Author Biography

Эльмира Наберушкина, Belgorod State University, Belgorod

lmira Kamalovna Naberushkina – ​Dr., Professor, Department of social work, Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia.

How to Cite
НаберушкинаЭ. (2017). The Social Problems of Disability in a Context of Employment, Social Policy and Social Distance. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15(2), 333-340.