What is Wrong with the Soviet Childhood?

Smirnova T. (2015) Deti strany Covetov: Ot gosudarstvennoy politiki k realiyam povsednevnoy zhizni. 1917–1940 gg. [Children of the Soviet Union: From Government Policy to the Real of Everyday Life. 1917-1940 yr], Moscow, St. Petersburg: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 384 p. ISBN 978–5–8055–0286–7

  • Светлана Ерпылева European University at St. Petersburg




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Author Biography

Светлана Ерпылева, European University at St. Petersburg

researcher, Public Sociology Laboratory (PS Lab), PhD student

How to Cite
ЕрпылеваС. (2017). What is Wrong with the Soviet Childhood?. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15(1), 164 - 172. Retrieved from https://jsps.hse.ru/article/view/4463