Social policy in area of inclusive education: the context of liberalization and Russian realities

  • Наталья Владимирова Борисова
Keywords: inclusive education


Inclusive education is aimed at providing for equal rights on and access to education for children with disabilities; it suffers many contradictions of the processes of liberalization in the social policy in general and in education in particular. Inclusion does not correlate with the directions of the common policy of the general education and has its own targets, tasks and features, which can be explained if one will consider it as a part of political process in providing for civil rights of social minorities and as a part of the process of cultural change. The article analyzes the effects of liberalization processes on the development of inclusive education in the liberal welfare states as well as the process of development and diff iculties of inclusive education in today’s Russia.


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How to Cite
БорисоваН. В. (2010). Social policy in area of inclusive education: the context of liberalization and Russian realities. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 4(1), 103-120. Retrieved from