The accessibility of higher education: the opinion of experts

  • Елена Владимировна Старкова
Keywords: accessibility of higher education, applicants


In this article a number of the most significant, from the point of view of experts, factors concerning the accessibility of higher education will be examined, in particular the school-leavers place of residence and its territorial remoteness from the cities where the universities are situated. Also, forms of preparation for entry will be described, which facilitate the canceling out of the impact of the latter factor: the creation of lyceums and specialist classes with university support in the villages, the organization of external and distance access courses by universities and academies, the opening of branches of universities in small towns in regional centers. Furthermore, the problem of early differentiation will be looked at, that is the division of school children into those who have more or less chance of getting into university depending on the school they have attended.


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How to Cite
СтарковаЕ. В. (2010). The accessibility of higher education: the opinion of experts. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 4(2), 183-204. Retrieved from