Social and medical assistance to the population after the catastrophe / Ed. by V. A. Fokine, N. A. Shaidenko, M. D. Goriachev. Tula: Tula State Pedagogical University, 2002. 315 p. ISBN 5-87954-323-4

  • Олеся Георгиевна Перятинская
  • Вероника Вячеславовна Щебланова
Keywords: social assistance, health service


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How to Cite
ПерятинскаяО. Г., & ЩеблановаВ. В. (2010). Social and medical assistance to the population after the catastrophe / Ed. by V. A. Fokine, N. A. Shaidenko, M. D. Goriachev. Tula: Tula State Pedagogical University, 2002. 315 p. ISBN 5-87954-323-4. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 4(4), 557-560. Retrieved from

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