«Here it's all clear»: self-representation of an urban social movement

  • Миляуша Марселевна Закирова
Keywords: collective identity


In the following article the results of sociological research concerning the urban social movement against housing in territory of a court yard, in St. Petersburg. The main question posed was how these protestors represent themselves and the process of construction against which they are struggling; that is, concerning the image of the protesting neighborhood community which they construct with the goal of attract ing public support. In the given case an analysis of photographs taken by the protestors themselves. Photographs become one of the possibly resources to stop construction.


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How to Cite
ЗакироваМ. М. (2010). «Here it’s all clear»: self-representation of an urban social movement . The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 6(2), 217-240. Retrieved from https://jsps.hse.ru/article/view/3632