Theoretical Interpretations in the Decentralisation of Cultural Policy: Concepts, Values and Strategy

  • Нобуко Кавасима
Keywords: decentralization, сultural policy, values, strategy


For many countries across the world, decentralisation has become the latest fashion in cultural policy. It has been seen as an effective method to increase the effectiveness of cultural management and promote grass-roots participation of local communities in the Arts. The aim of government in this ‘decentralisation’ is to achieve the long sought-after goal of ‘culture for all’; that is making culture accessible to all citizens. However, ‘decentralisation’ as a concept remains understudied and poorly defined. In fact, a whole generation of actors in the field of cultural policy have attempted to implement it without fully grasping it as a concept. The aim of this article is to provide a more understandable working theoretical framework with which to measure and define ‘decentralisation’, particularly with reference to the British experience. This means not only looking at the question from the various perspectives connected to it but also by providing a degree of conceptualisation of the different types of decentralisation on offer and how they are related. This is achieved firstly by getting to grips with the multitude of meanings assigned to decentralisation as a concept, thereby reducing some of the murkiness surrounding it. The second part concerns explaining why ‘decentralisation’ is interpreted as a problem to be debated and resolved. This includes understanding the values that stand behind decentralisation. Finally, the third part will provide an overview of the strategies used in cultural policy as part of ‘decentralisation’, thus providing impetus to improved cross-national comparison research.  The clarification of understanding, based on a more empirical approach, which is provided in this article, should serve as an initial step to more effective empirical study of decentralisation in various countries and as part of a comparative analysis. It can also act as a guide helping further implementation of decentralisation and participation in cultural policy from below. 


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How to Cite
КавасимаН. (2010). Theoretical Interpretations in the Decentralisation of Cultural Policy: Concepts, Values and Strategy. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 7(1), 117-136. Retrieved from