How business could become “good”: corporate social responsibility in theory and practice (Review of the book: Krichevsky N.A., Goncharov S.F. Corporate social responsibility. М.: Dashkov and К0 Publishing, 2008. 216 p. ISBN 978-5-91131-849-9)

  • Виктория Викторовна Яковлева Editorial Office of the Journal of Social Policy Studies


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How to Cite
ЯковлеваВ. В. (2011). How business could become “good”: corporate social responsibility in theory and practice (Review of the book: Krichevsky N.A., Goncharov S.F. Corporate social responsibility. М.: Dashkov and К0 Publishing, 2008. 216 p. ISBN 978-5-91131-849-9). The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 8(4), 554-558. Retrieved from