«Resistance to evil by non-violence»: about activism character of the Russian non-governmental organizations

  • Надежда Константиновна Радина
Keywords: Russian non-commercial organisations (NPO), post-Soviet civil society, GONGO


In the most recent period in Russia, Non-Commercial Organisations have started shifting to the centre of attention, becoming newsmakers in their own right. However, with closer examination it appears these developments do not conform to the evolution of civil society in other countries. This article examines the specific conditions of NPOs in Russia through the discourse of postmodernism. Data is analysed from the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights over the year 2004, including key media material from this period. One of the proposed criteria for measuring activity of NPOs was their rejection of violence. One key issue that is emerging is the presence of groups who position themselves as NGOs and attempt to receive funding for their activities but who, in actual fact, are not genuine NGOs but are in bed with the state. The results reveal a special uniqueness in the activities of Russian GONGOs (State Organized Non-Commercial Organizations). These GONGOs demonstrated a willingness to utilize the ‘technology of violence’ to achieve the goals of their organizations. On the one hand, this is driven by a kind of ‘political business’, using state support to create social benefits that then will accrue to the founders of the GONGO. On the other hand, these organizational arrangements resemble closely many Soviet models, and thus show continuity. The aggressive, street actions of these GONGOs distinguish the Post-Soviet space from other experiences. The author concludes that it is precisely these GONGOs that require the special attention of academics, as they stand out from the characteristics of other NGOs across the world and have the greatest potential to change Russian society. Despite much rhetoric to the contrary, Russia remains a closed society given the fact that the second sector and the third sector of the economy are still controlled by the state. In many ways, it appears the state can use NGOs as a simulator in place of actual freedom, neutering civic organizations and leaving them easier to control.


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How to Cite
РадинаН. К. (2011). «Resistance to evil by non-violence»: about activism character of the Russian non-governmental organizations . The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 9(2), 207-218. Retrieved from https://jsps.hse.ru/article/view/3521