Gender Politics and Working Class Formation in USSR (Review of the book: Goldman V. Women at the Gates: Gender and Industry in Soviet Industry (1917–1937). M.: ROSSPEN, Center of the President B.N. Eltsin, 2010. 358 p. IBSN 978-5-8243-1447-2)

  • Алена Дмитриевна Любимова


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How to Cite
ЛюбимоваА. Д. (2012). Gender Politics and Working Class Formation in USSR (Review of the book: Goldman V. Women at the Gates: Gender and Industry in Soviet Industry (1917–1937). M.: ROSSPEN, Center of the President B.N. Eltsin, 2010. 358 p. IBSN 978-5-8243-1447-2). The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 10(3), 415-421. Retrieved from

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