Social Policy in Armed Forces and the Evolution of Civil-Military Relations. Review of the book: Surkova I.Yu. Sotsial’naia politika v sisteme grazhdansko-voennykh otnosheni (Social policy in a system of civic-military relations]. M.: Variant, CPSGS, 2013

  • Екатерина Николаевна Карлова Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Senior Staff Scientist of the Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center "Air Force Academy Named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin", Voronezh


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How to Cite
КарловаЕ. Н. (2014). Social Policy in Armed Forces and the Evolution of Civil-Military Relations. Review of the book: Surkova I.Yu. Sotsial’naia politika v sisteme grazhdansko-voennykh otnosheni (Social policy in a system of civic-military relations]. M.: Variant, CPSGS, 2013. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 12(1), 138-146. Retrieved from