The First Study on the History of Social Insurance the Pre-Revolutionary Ural. Review on the book: Ashmarina S. V. Sotsial’noe strakhovanie na Urale: 1903–1914 gg.[Social Insurance in the Urals: 1903–1914], M.: RGGU, 2012.204 p.ISBN 978–5–7281–1334–8

  • Андрей Викторович Морозов Candidate of Historical Sciences, the associate professor of social work, pedagogics and psychology of the Kazan national research technological university, Kazan, Russian Federation
  • Валерий Федорович Телишев Candidate of Historical Sciences, the associate professor of history of Russia and neighboring countries of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation


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How to Cite
МорозовА. В., & ТелишевВ. Ф. (2014). The First Study on the History of Social Insurance the Pre-Revolutionary Ural. Review on the book: Ashmarina S. V. Sotsial’noe strakhovanie na Urale: 1903–1914 gg.[Social Insurance in the Urals: 1903–1914], M.: RGGU, 2012.204 p.ISBN 978–5–7281–1334–8. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 12(4), 647-653. Retrieved from