The phenomenon of Precarisation or Labour sphere under the laws of marketBobkov V., Csoba J., Herrmann P. (eds.) (2014) Labour Market and Precarity of Employment: Theoretical Reflections and Empirical Data from Hungary and Russia, Bremen: Wiener Verlag fuer Sozialforschung, 264 p. ISBN: 9783944690308

  • Елена Николаевна Гасюкова Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist Development


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How to Cite
ГасюковаЕ. Н. (2015). The phenomenon of Precarisation or Labour sphere under the laws of marketBobkov V., Csoba J., Herrmann P. (eds.) (2014) Labour Market and Precarity of Employment: Theoretical Reflections and Empirical Data from Hungary and Russia, Bremen: Wiener Verlag fuer Sozialforschung, 264 p. ISBN: 9783944690308. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 13(4), 679-686. Retrieved from