Regulation of professional autonomy in Europe: theoretical perspectives and empirical studiesRego R. (ed.) (2013) The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and Its Impact on Portugal Under Crisis, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 110p. ISBN 978–1–137–35274–3

  • Максим Владимирович Прудников Faculty of Sociology; Analysis of Social Institutions Department; Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards; Academic Support Centre


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How to Cite
ПрудниковМ. В. (2015). Regulation of professional autonomy in Europe: theoretical perspectives and empirical studiesRego R. (ed.) (2013) The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and Its Impact on Portugal Under Crisis, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 110p. ISBN 978–1–137–35274–3. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 13(4), 675-679. Retrieved from