Strategic Orientations of the Development of St. Petersburg: The Contradictions of the Declared Values and the Existing Practice of the Local Government

  • Алексей Игоревич Балашов North-West Institute of Management, RANEPA
  • Анна Георгиевна Санина Research Group on the Economics and Sociology of Changes (St. Petersburg); Department of Public Administration
Keywords: urban space, expert communities, creative class, strategy of development of St. Petersburg


This article considers the strategic guidelines employed in the urban development in St. Petersburg. The theoretical framework of the study is located in the concept of the 'creative city' and the 'smart city'. This theory was applied to a content analysis of the Strategy‑2030. Despite the fact that the strategy made creating a comfortable environment and a high quality of life of citizens the main aim for the city’s development, its logic and content suggest that the real purpose is to develop the city along industrial traditions. An analysis of the Economic Council of the Governor of St. Petersburg leads to the conclusion that the existing system of strategic planning in St. Petersburg does not contain the institutional mechanisms needed to develop urban environment as a creative hub for its citizens. Culture is not seen as part of the knowledge economy but merely as a 'cultural heritage' to be preserved. Also lacking in the existing in strategic planning of development are instruments that could utilize the opinion of the cultural leaders and experts. An analysis of the target values and priorities of St. Petersburg’s development suggests there is a need to engage cultural experts in the strategic planning and governance. We consider nine groups of such experts: 1) the directors of cultural and historical heritage objects, forming the St. Petersburg brand and identity; 2) representatives of the Chambers of Attorneys; 3) IT and biotech companies, as well as large private medical clinics; 4) representatives of the sport and leisure industry; 5) organized communities of the city conservation; 6) the organizers of areas for work and leisure (loft projects and co working spaces); 7) the creators of famous St. Petersburg brands in fashion and beauty industries; 8) St. Petersburg restaurateurs; 9) the representatives of the entertainment industry.


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How to Cite
БалашовА. И., & Санина А. Г. (2016). Strategic Orientations of the Development of St. Petersburg: The Contradictions of the Declared Values and the Existing Practice of the Local Government. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 14(2), 197-212. Retrieved from