Exploring the Semantics of Migration Terminology
Germany, Russia, semantics of migration, allochthons, autochthonous, France
Population migration can lead to the transformation of political, economic and social institutions, as it encourages the development, establishment and reconsideration of existing social theories. However, up until the current moment the terminology employed in migration research field has been given little consideration. Nevertheless, the issue of how humanistic and legally appropriate terminology in the migration field has emerged and developed is increasingly important nowadays. Growing and constantly transforming migration flows increase the need for accurate and thoughtful analysis from researchers and practitioners. At the moment, research into Russian-speaking migration is characterized by a lack of common agreement on the definitions used, resulting in errors in perception and a distortion of migration as a phenomenon. This article intends to analyse the linguistic framework of migration research and to evaluate the meaning of independent definitions. A linguistic framework for migration as a social phenomenon has important meanings. Terminology outlines and forms the basis of its social occurrence; the formulations of lawmakers define the language of law enforcement. The way ordinary people interpret migration is also significant, as well as the terms used by the bodies tasked with managing migration. Although research into the terminology of migration is far from new, it has not been widespread either. So far, foreign academic literature and Russian research has no detailed and comprehensive studies in this field. Therefore, the terminology of migration and its political-legal framework remain terra incognita within society and academia. This paper intends to cover the terminological framework of migration as a phenomenon in the political, legal and media space of the EU countries and the Russian Federation.Downloads
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How to Cite
ГулинаО. Р. (2016). Exploring the Semantics of Migration Terminology. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 14(3), 331-346. Retrieved from https://jsps.hse.ru/article/view/3259