Recording and Transcribing Interactions of Individuals Using Augmentative Communication Technologies
The purpose of this article is to provide the reader with tools and recommendations for collecting data and making microanalytic transcriptions of interaction involving people using Augmentative Communication Technologies (ACTs). This is of interest for clinicians, as well as anyone else engaged in video-based microanalysis of technology mediated interaction in other contexts. The information presented here has particular relevance to young researchers developing their own methodologies, and experienced scientists interested in social interaction research in ACTs or as well as other digital communication technologies. Tools and methods for recording social interactions to support microanalysis by making unobtrusive recordings of naturally occurring or task-driven social interactions while minimizing recording-related distractions which could alter the authenticity of the social interaction are discussed. Recommendations for the needed functionality of video and audio recording equipment are made with tips for how to capture actions that are important to the research question as opposed to capturing 'generally usable' video. In addition, tips for processing video and managing video data are outlined, including how to develop optimally functional naming conventions for stored videos, how and where to store video data (i. e. use of external hard drives, compressing videos for storage) and syncing multiple videos, offering different views of a single interaction (i. e. syncing footage of the overall interaction with footage of the device display). Finally, tools and strategies for transcription are discussed including a brief description of the role transcription plays in analysis, a suggested framework for how transcription might proceed through multiple passes, each focused on a different aspect of communication, transcription software options along with discussion of specific features that aide transcription. In addition, special issues that arise in transcribing interactions involving ACTs are addressed.