Strategies of Urban Communities in Conflict Processes (A Case Study of Russia’s Large Regional Centers)

  • Aleksandra Gluhova Voronezh State University
  • Alexey Kolba Kuban State University
  • Aleksandr Sokolov Yaroslavl’ State University
Keywords: urban conflicts, urban territorial communities, conflict strategies, resources


This article analyses behaviour strategies during conflict, including constructive and destructive aspects, institutional frameworks and considers the possibility of integrating territorial communities into decision-making systems in urban development. The research was based on an expert survey. Its geo­graphy covers three regional centers of the Russian Federation: Voronezh, Krasnodar and Yaroslavl. In total, thirty-four experts were interviewed representing various professional groups (urban communities, non-profit organizations and civil initiatives, regional and the local authorities, business structures, and academia). The theoretical basis of the research is the approach, which identified the main strategies of behaviour of participants in conflict situations. Based on the results of the study, it can be argued that the main prerequisites for the creation of communities are territorial identity and the presence of specific problems in a certain territory. Strategies of interaction with other subjects of urban conflicts are, as a rule, non-confrontational in nature. More often than not, communities choose cooperation and compromise, although such strategies are not always effective. This is due to the lack of resources to more actively defend their interests. In the structures of conflicting communities, a 'core' of activists is usually distinguished, but the leader’s role is also great. Through the latter, a significant part of the community’s communications is carried out, the definition of strategies, the formation of the agenda. The study shows that urban communities remain insufficiently integrated into the system of political and administrative decision-making and public policy institutions, which also complicates the integration of urban communities into mechanisms for constructive conflict regulation.


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Author Biographies

Aleksandra Gluhova, Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation. Еmail:

Alexey Kolba, Kuban State University

Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor, Department of State Policy and Public Administration, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation. Еmail:

Aleksandr Sokolov, Yaroslavl’ State University

Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Political Theories of the Yaroslavl’ State University, Yaroslavl’, Russian Federation. Еmail:

How to Cite
GluhovaA., KolbaA., & SokolovA. (2021). Strategies of Urban Communities in Conflict Processes (A Case Study of Russia’s Large Regional Centers). The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 19(2), 239-252.