Social Enterprises and SO NPOs in Perm Krai: Problems and Prospects of Development

  • Alexander Vnutskikh Perm State University
  • Svetlana Gasumova Perm State University
  • Maria Ivanova St. Petersburg State University
  • Elena Malkova Perm State University
  • Maria Petrova Perm State University
Keywords: social entrepreneurship, socially oriented NPOs, Perm Krai


This article is an overview considering the specifics of modern practices of SO NGOs and social entrepreneurship (SЕ) in the Perm Krai. The authors identify the distinctive features and elements of social entrepreneurship, considering of the different approaches to explaining the phenomenon itself. The phenomenon of social entrepreneurship has a dualistic character, on the one hand as a special case of business, on the other as a component of civil society, since it is an opportunity to combine commercial sustainability and social benefits from investment. The authors note not only the quantitative growth of the non-governmental sector of the social sphere in the region, but also the success of individual Perm SO NGOs at the federal level. The region has a database of grant aid for non-profit organizations, and a resource center that provides organizational and informational support for NGOs and joint ventures. The authors indicate that, despite the supposed long-term nature and constancy of business processes, social entrepreneurship in the Perm Krai has not reached the level of development of SO NGOs, both in terms of effectiveness in solving social problems, and to form a positive image of the joint venture. The authors associate the prospects of the development of SE and SO NGOs in the region with the popularization of ideas of social entrepreneurship, with implementing training and acceleration programs, with the increase of information availability and the maximum openness of the activities of organizations that will promote a positive public image, and improving the legal regulation of activities of social entrepreneurs and the opening of new fields of activity of the joint venture.


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Author Biographies

Alexander Vnutskikh, Perm State University

Dr. Sci. (Phil.), Professor of the department of philosophy, Department of cultural studies and social and humanitarian technologies, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation. Email:

Svetlana Gasumova, Perm State University

Cand. Sci. (Soc.), associate professor, Department of social work and conflict studies, Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation. Email:

Maria Ivanova, St. Petersburg State University

PhD student, Faculty of Sociology, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. Email: ivanova.mar‑

Elena Malkova, Perm State University

Cand. Sci. (Phil.), Vice-Rector for youth policy, Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation. Email:

Maria Petrova, Perm State University

Assistant of the department of cultural studies and social and humanitarian technologies, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation. Email:

How to Cite
VnutskikhA., GasumovaS., IvanovaM., MalkovaE., & PetrovaM. (2021). Social Enterprises and SO NPOs in Perm Krai: Problems and Prospects of Development. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 19(1), 166-176.