Hyperlocal Media as a Communication Channel between State and Society in Russia’s Regions

  • Olga Dovbysh National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: hyperlocal media, Russian regions, civic engagement, bottom-up civic initiatives


Hyperlocal media in Russia, represented mainly by city public groups in social network websites, have recently become important elements of local media ecosystems in Russia’s regions. Along with the dissemination of information on local news and affairs, these groups act as platforms for public discussions and support community initiatives and local activism. The active  involvement of local state bodies in these groups has made these sites important spaces of public participation as well as a communication channel between city administrations and local society. Taking the example of city public groups, this article explores to what extent non-professional and noncommercial media initiatives can enhance public engagement and citizen participation in local governance as well as to what extent these digital media can serve as communication channels between state bodies and citizens in
Russian regions. The empirical data includes eighteen interviews with owners and moderators of public city groups, conducted during author’s fieldwork in seven Russia’s cities in 2017–2018. Additionally, the data include digital observations in social media and observations at an industry conference for media practitioners. Based on the empirical evidence, I reveal the main communication practices utilized by these groups to provide communication and interaction between citizens and authorities. Also, I explore the main opportunities for these groups to act as actors and facilitators of public initiatives. Grassroots digital media is showing growing potential for public engagement. Compared to professional local newsrooms, they demonstrate higher freedom in the selection of topics and issues for public discussion. Also, hyperlocal media offer wider opportunities for local citizens to express their opinions by commenting and publishing own materials. Constraining factors include co-optation strategies of state bodies, evidence of 'pseudoparticipation' and a significant gap between the share of people involved in 'information engagement' and in offline activities.


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Author Biography

Olga Dovbysh, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Cand. Sci. (Soc.), lecturer, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation; postdoctoral researcher, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland. Email: olga.dovbysh@helsinki.fi

How to Cite
DovbyshO. (2020). Hyperlocal Media as a Communication Channel between State and Society in Russia’s Regions. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 18(3), 475-490. https://doi.org/10.17323/727-0634-2020-18-3-475-490