People. Care. Church. Who Helps to Whom and what Does It Lead to? Social Work in Russian Orthodox Сongregations

Oreshina D. A., Batanova P. V., Zabaev I. V., Pavlyutkina E. L. (2018) 'Partnerskiy prikhod': Sotrudnichestvo svyashchennikov i miryan v razvitii sotsial’noy deyatel’nosti v prikhodakh RPTs v nachale XXI veka ['Partnership Parish': Interactions between Priests and Lay People on Social Care in ROC Parishes, Beginning of 21st Century]. Moscow: PSTGU Press. 320 p. ISBN: 978–5–7429–1146–3

  • Svetlana Tvorogova freelance researcher




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Author Biography

Svetlana Tvorogova, freelance researcher

PhD (Kandidat Nauk) in Sociology, freelance researcher, Brussels, Belgium. Email:

How to Cite
TvorogovaS. (2019). People. Care. Church. Who Helps to Whom and what Does It Lead to? Social Work in Russian Orthodox Сongregations. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 17(3), 473-477.