A 'Start in Life' for Troublesome Kids? Possible Scenarios of Reintegration in the Context of Special Institutions

  • Irina  Lisovskaya  National Research University 'Higher School of Economics'
Keywords: troublesome adolescent, reintegration, special need institutions, scenario approach, social welfare approach


This article focus on the reintegration of troublesome adolescents into society, who are educated in special need institutions (special open-type institutions in Russia). These institutions use a social welfare approach. Open-type institutions have various designs; moreover, they are not represented in every region. Special institutions implement a select number of field programs aimed at reintegrating adolescents. Reintegration is a radical change in the social environment of adolescents and offers strategies for adapting to change. Special institutions aim to help the teenager escape from the influence of criminal subcultures and integrate into everyday city life. A variety of scenarios for adolescent reintegration are explored in this paper. What scenarios of reintegration of adolescents are in conflict with the law in the case of special institutions? What conditions construct reintegration scenarios? The scenario approach is used to answer these questions. The scenario approach identifies key scenarios and shows differences in conditions and practices in institutions and adolescent behaviours. A case study strategy is also employed. There are two special institutions of an open type (school and school) in a large and federal city; a school that implements adapted programs in a small town. The main research methods behind this research are semi-structured interviews with pupils aged thirteen to seventeen (n = 21) and employees of institutions (n = 9), as well as observation and analysis of documents. Three possible reintegration scenarios are identified. The first is when there is no reintegration, the second is ‘chaotic’ reintegration, and the third is reintegration into industrial and other urban communities. Scenarios construct various situations and conditions, including control over adolescents, communication between adults and adolescents.


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Author Biography

Irina  Lisovskaya , National Research University 'Higher School of Economics'

PhD, researcher in Centre of Youth Studies, National Research University 'Higher School of Economics', St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Email: ilisovskaya@hse.ru

How to Cite
Lisovskaya I. (2019). A ’Start in Life’ for Troublesome Kids? Possible Scenarios of Reintegration in the Context of Special Institutions. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 17(3), 423-438. https://doi.org/10.17323/727-0634-2019-17-3-423-438