The Modern Russian Model of Providing the Persons with Disabilities the Devices of Rehabilitation and its Prospects for Improvement

  • Игорь Александрович Божков Doctor of Medicine, Professor of General Practice Department, I. P. Pavlov Saint-Petersburg State Medical University
  • Владимир Анатольевич Бронников Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Health, Perm State Medical Academy
  • Михаил Александрович Севастьянов Vice-director, Non-Governmental Organization "Center for the Programs and Projects in Area of Health Care Development 'Kristina'"
Keywords: social security of persons with disabilities, assistive rehabilitation devices, United Nation Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


In the article the authors reviewed the practice of providing persons with disabilities with rehabilitation devices, defined the basic ways of improving the existing arrangements in order to achieve results following the requirements of the United Nation Convention onthe Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The authors show that organizational and legal mechanisms for the provision with rehabilitation devices are more effective when personswith disabilities are holders of the funds. It can help significantly to optimize the order ofprovision and solve a number of existing problems.


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How to Cite
БожковИ. А., БронниковВ. А., & СевастьяновМ. А. (2013). The Modern Russian Model of Providing the Persons with Disabilities the Devices of Rehabilitation and its Prospects for Improvement. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 11(2), 273-283. Retrieved from