The National Index for the Quality of Life (Well-Being) as a Tool for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Socio-Economic Policy in Russia

  • Ольга Анатольевна Кислицына Economic Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Keywords: quality of life, well-being, integral indicator, index of life quality, well-being index


Olga A. Kislitsyna – Dr. Sci. (Economic), Head of the sector of measuring quality of life problems, Economic Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation. Email:

DOI: 10.17323/727-0634-2017-15-4-547-558

The article presents an evaluation of the dynamics of the quality of life of Russians for the period from 2000 to 2014. The methodology is based on the construction of a composite index that aggregates ten main aspects of life quality: health and healthcare, education and training, income, housing, work, security, family, culture and recreation, governance, environment. These are measured according to eighty-two indicators that were identified in literature review. Objective statistical data of Rosstat and Transformation Monitoring data for more effective social justice, the European Health for All database) and subjective data (Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey from the HSE and Levada Centre polls) were used. It was found that, in general, quality of life in Russia has increased by 26.2 % since 2000. Several key aspects and indicators have contributed to this process, and, on the contrary, reduced the quality of life. From the ten aspects of well-being improvement was found in eight aspects. The main contribution to the process of the improvement of quality of life was made by such aspects as Family (+ 70.9 %), Income (+ 60.6 %), Security (+ 55.4 %). The worst situation was in the sphere of the Environment (–19.5 %). From the eighty-two indicators that measured the quality of life aspects fifty-one have improved, and thirty have worsened. Most of the negative changes occurred in the following areas: Environment (five out of seven indicators deteriorated), Education and training (eight of twelve), Culture and recreation (three of six), Work (four out of ten). The obtained results can be used to monitor the effectiveness of socio-economic policy and development of measures aimed to improve the quality of life in Russia.


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Author Biography

Ольга Анатольевна Кислицына, Economic Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Dr. Sci. (Economic), Head of the sector of measuring quality of life problems, Economic Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation. 

How to Cite
КислицынаО. А. (2017). The National Index for the Quality of Life (Well-Being) as a Tool for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Socio-Economic Policy in Russia. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15(4), 547-558.