Russia’s Workers in the Mining and Metallurgical Sector: Perceptions and Activities on the eve of a new Political Cycle

  • Ольга Мирясова Researcher, Department of Comparative Political Studies, Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: trade unions, social movements, protests, opposition, civic and political practices


The article examines data from a survey of mining and metallurgical workers, conducted shortly before the parliamentary election campaign in 2011. The research was carried out by the Department of Comparative Political Research of the Russian Academy of Science in cooperation with the Russian Trade Union of Mining and Metallurgy Industry. The survey only covered enterprises that contained departments of this Trade Union. The main drive of the study was to uncover employee attitudes to various forms of political, civil and trade union participation. The survey was completed by 1464 persons in 72 localities in 42 Russian regions. Contrary to widespread views of a politically loyal working class, the survey data suggests that a significant protest mood exists among the industrial workers and other categories of employees, which in turn is reflected in low support for the "party of power" and the candidacy of Vladimir Putin in the then upcoming presidential elections. Despite clearly demonstrated loyalty on the part of trade union leaders, the survey reveals a great deal of diversity in the positions of rank-and-file trade union members. Active employee participation in the local departments of trade unions has gone hand in hand with the a growth of interest in politics, increased participation in other areas of public and political life, and resulted in a more critical attitude towards the government. The main factors mobilising mining and metallurgy employees into participating in protest activity remain a thirst for social justice and a desire to resolve specific problems related to working conditions. The main conclusion of the study is that while workers in the industrial enterprises of Russia’s regions are not more loyal than people living in Moscow, at the current moment they only feel strong enough to resort to protest activity to solve specific questions that are situated in local, social contexts.


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How to Cite
МирясоваО. (2014). Russia’s Workers in the Mining and Metallurgical Sector: Perceptions and Activities on the eve of a new Political Cycle. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 12(2), 261-274. Retrieved from