"World spirit inhabited aesthetics those times...": Interview with U.N. Davydov
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history of Soviet sociology
academic communication
The Institute of specific social research
sociology of the 1960-s
the Institute of Philosophy

How to Cite

ПугачеваМ., & ЯрмолюкС. (2011). "World spirit inhabited aesthetics those times.": Interview with U.N. Davydov. Russian Sociological Review, 6(1), 91-103. Retrieved from https://jsps.hse.ru/index.php/sociologica/article/view/512


The interview with Y.N. Davydov presents a detailed narrative about the path to science, books and people, which influenced the world view, about the twists and turns of relationships with authorities and colleagues, an atmosphere in social sciences in the 1950-s –1960-s. The interview tells about the views hidden behind «the criticism of bourgeois philosophy and sociology» and at a greater length about the reception of western ideas by Soviet sociology, about discussions and conflicts in academic environment of that period.
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