Features of a system-theoretical problematic of power in sociology of T. Parsons, N. Luhmann and R. Munch
power, symbolically generalized communication medium, political power, social order, inflation and power deflation
In article attempt of systematization of sociological concepts of the power in T. Parsons's structural functionalism, N. Luhmann's system theory and R. Munch's neofunctionalism is undertaken. It is shown, that these three concepts are united by the notion of the power as symbolically generalized intermediary in social interaction. The power problematic as instability and fluctuations of power relations is revealed and by terms of inflation and deflation is described.
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How to Cite
ПоповВ. (2011). Features of a system-theoretical problematic of power in sociology of T. Parsons, N. Luhmann and R. Munch . Russian Sociological Review, 7(2), 69-85. Retrieved from https://jsps.hse.ru/index.php/sociologica/article/view/469
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