Development and Adaptation of the Ethno-National Attitudes Scale

  • Олег Евгеньевич Хухлаев Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
  • Игорь Михайлович Кузнецов Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
  • Наталья Владимировна Ткаченко Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Keywords: intergroup relationships, nationality, nationalism, patriotism


The article presents the results of approbation of the new survey – Ethno-National Attitudes Scale, aimed to study attitudes towards the phenomenon of “nationality”, which is in the current Russian public discourse is synonymous to ethnicity. Study 1 (N = 1444) showed that the survey contains four subscales: Nationalistic Attitudes (hostile attitudes towards people of other nationalities), Patriotic Attitudes (feelings of pride for one’s own national identity and connection with people of “same nationality”), Neutral Ethno-National Attitudes (indifferent attitude towards one’s own national identity), and Negativistic Attitudes (negative attitude towards the phenomenon of nationality and national identity). Subscales have good internal consistency, as well as configurational and measurement invariance. Three other studies (N = 156, 533 and 982) demonstrated internal validity of the survey. They showed that nationalistic attitudes are positively connected with various forms of intolerance. Patriotic attitudes are linked with negative attitude only towards other ethnic groups, as well as with positive attitude towards own group. Neutral and negativistic ethno-national attitudes are positively connected with various types of tolerance (ethnic, social, personal trait) and attitudes towards other ethnic groups. Thus, the four subscales of the survey measure qualitatively different attitudes towards the phenomenon of “nationality”. These subscales also group into two factors of the second order: nationalistic and negativistic ethno-national attitudes are inversely correlated and form a factor that reflects attitudes towards other nationalities and the phenomenon of nationality per se, while patriotic and neutral ethno-national attitudes reflect national identification of the respondent.


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How to Cite
ХухлаевО. Е., КузнецовИ. М., & ТкаченкоН. В. (2018). Development and Adaptation of the Ethno-National Attitudes Scale. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 15(3), 527-541.
Questionnaires for Studying Social-Psychological Issues